Insights Blog

One Consumer Experience Blunder Can Be Costly

One Consumer Experience Blunder Can Be Costly

Brands that haven’t considered “customer experience” as a top priority for 2019 may want to have another look.  It may be that brands should start thinking of it as “consumer” experience. The fact is, consumer experiences occur in many ways and at all touch points one has with a Brand. If there isn’t a systemic approach to thinking about consumer experience, unintended consequences of a bad brand impression or experience can result. And in the digital age, the amplification can be costly…

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Retail Apocalypse? Not if You Think Outside the Transactions

The retail apocalypse: we’ve all heard about it; many Brands are experiencing it.  So, with 12,000 stores having closed in the past nearly two years, and more than 3,800 retail stores closing in 2018 why have Nike and Levi Strauss & Company recently opened “mega stores” in New York City?  

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Commentary, Customer Engagement, Loyalty PJ Santoro Commentary, Customer Engagement, Loyalty PJ Santoro

Uber Switching Costs Could be A Lyft

Uber and Lyft both share the “real estate” of a driver’s window and the driver’s phone.  While the driver’s window is a moving billboard for both companies, switching costs are super low for the driver, and more importantly, the rider.  Indeed, rider loyalty is considerably dependent of the quality of the last trip they took. While surprise and delight tactics hook the rider, over the long term, how does Uber “vest” the rider relationship?

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Victoria’s Secret: She’s Technically Blind

Perhaps Les Wexner, the CEO of L Brands, owner of Victoria’s Secret, is convinced the Internet won’t kill-off stores and while we’re at it, he’s convinced consumer’s fascination with Smartphones will fade. Seriously, Wexner does not believe Amazon has hurt retailers, or that declining mall traffic perpetuated the closing of over 6,000 retail doors over the past year.  Really...

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Be Good to Each Other & Galvanize Customer Loyalty

Ya know, Kudos to Starbucks for their College Achievement Plan. Seriously.  The plan offers eligible full and part time employees full tuition coverage to earn a bachelor’s degree from Arizona State University.  Starbucks gets that this employee benefit will generate greater customer loyalty. I’m sure you’re thinking, “Wait, what? An employee tuition program fosters customer loyalty? She is nuts.”  Hang with me here; let me explain

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PJ Santoro PJ Santoro

To Be, or Not to Be: Customer-Focused or Customer-Centric?

As Customer IQ specialists we’re frequently asked “What’s the difference between customer-focused and customer-centric?”; and “Can a company be customer-focused and not customer-centric, and vice versa? So we thought it would be worth sharing here how we see it.  Let’s start with our definitions.....

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PJ Santoro PJ Santoro

Customer Centricity: Simple in Principle; Nuanced in Implementation

Finally, with a break in an intensive several months of client engagements, a couple of days can be focused on conversing with fellow marketing executives about customer engagement in the digital age thanks to Wharton hosting its 2nd Annual Customer Centricity Summit in San Francisco.  Being customer-centric in the digital age probably seems obvious.  The implementation, however, can be nuanced...

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